Wielobranżowa i Projektowa Sp. z o.o. MONAT


Design | Services | Systems | Infrastructure

The multi-trade and design company MONAT Sp. z o.o. has been present on the railway market for almost 30 years. It mainly renders railway automatic control, telecommunications and electrical power engineering services for PKP and other business partners from the railway sector.

MONAT offers the supply of level crossing systems of the UP-1 type (electronic and relay equipment for A category level crossings), computer-controlled systems for level crossings of the KSP-7M type (for A, B, C, E, F category level crossings) together with elements of equipment such as boom barriers, boom barrier drives, and road signalling units. It also delivers complete SUZ-2M power supply systems for railway stations equipment, including batteries and electric power generators. The company provides spare parts for the equipment supplied to ensure  its long-lasting correct performance.

MONAT designs, delivers and installs railway traffic signalling systems, specialising in „turnkey" projects. The company offers guarantee service and post-guarantee technical support.

All the products have the necessary certificates of approval required by PKP.

Contact details

ul. Przyrodników 19
80-298 Gdańsk
tel.: 58 721 30 32

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