
Construction | Infrastructure

PORR S.A. forms part of the international PORR Group based in Vienna. In Poland it is one of the best developing construction companies leading the sector’s rankings. Our key competence areas include construction of infrastructure, buildings and railways and - to an increasingly higher extent - the segment of industrial and hydrotechnical construction.

In Poland, PORR S.A. has actively taken part in the national railway infrastructure modernisation programme since 2011, offering the services of a qualified team and know-how based on the international experience of PORR Group. We have competences in construction, modernisation and  maintenance of railway lines, including non-ballasted track technology. We perform a full range of construction works within railway lines and stations, including engineering structures, railway traffic signalling and railway telecommunications devices and railway power systems and  catenary networks. We also carry out earthworks and anticorrosion protection works.

We offer comprehensive completion of projects, including both works performance and delivery of design documentation including the required agreements (design & build). Depending on the expectations of customers, construction works either involve the delivery of materials or rely on customer-supplied materials. Currently, out flagship projects are: LOT A signed at the end of 2020 and LOT C in progress since 2019 on LK131, LK 93 Oświęcim-Czechowice, or LK 207 Toruń-Chełmża, where the design stage is nearly over and the construction will start in June 2021.

Given ten years of experience on the Polish market of railway investments and having top class specialists and state-of-the-art equipment, we are able to win and execute contracts with a broad and demanding scope of activities covering the whole investment process from design through construction to post-guarantee service.

Contact details

ul. Hołubcowa 123
02-854 Warszawa, Poland
tel.: +48 22 266 99 00

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