Nasycalnia Podkładów S.A.



The railway sleeper treatment plant Nasycalnia Podkładów S.A. has operated since 1953. It occupies an area of 16 ha and is situated in Koźmin Wielkopolski, a picturesque town on Road No. 15 Jarocin-Krotoszyn near a railway line. The basic activity of the plant is treatment of timber by pressure-vacuum impregnation (Ruping method).

The company offers:

  • manufacturing of wooden railway track structure: sleepers, switch-sleepers and other elements depending on orders
  • manufacturing of pinewood telecommunications and power poles
  • treatment of timber with type B and C impregnating oil and wood preservative salt KORASIT KS
  • sale of all grades of coal (high heating value)
  • manufacturing of building and general purpose timber.
Contact details

ul. Towarowa 5
63-720 Koźmin Wielkopolski, Poland
tel.: +48 62 721 60 18
tel.: +48 62 721 60 40
tel.: +48 62 721 60 18 wew. 310 (fax)

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