
Maintenance | Construction | Modernization

The origins of ALUSTA S.A. date back to 2006 when a group of enthusiasts of railway and tramway construction with many years of experience in working for the largest companies from the sector decided to establish a new company. From the first day of its operation, owners and presidents of ALUSTA S.A. aimed to set up a thriving company to satisfy the continually growing requirements of the construction market in Poland which in a few years’ time became an entity capable of meeting any challenge. To this end, recognised professionals were employed and own human resources were brought up. They were mainly the most talented graduates of the Poznań University of Technology. The main task to be fulfilled by the employees of ALUSTA S.A. is to ensure the highest works performance quality. The satisfaction of investors is the best publicity for a business.

ALUSTA S.A. deals with comprehensive performance of construction works such as:

  • track works: railways and tramways,
  • works within the perimeter of the tracks: drainage and platforms,
  • civil engineering works: bridges, viaducts and culverts,
  • noise barriers,
  • roads and yards,
  • construction of buildings.

Our high-skilled technical staff holds relevant licences and authorisations to manage construction works in the following areas:

  • road construction,
  • railway construction,
  • design and construction,
  • bridge construction,
  • installation of: heating, ventilation, gas, water supply and sewerage systems, plants and equipment,
  • hydrotechnical structures.

The professionals employed by the company have extensive knowledge of the sector but they also continuously upgrade their skills by taking part in various courses and training sessions.

In 2021, the company expanded its operations, receiving a uniform safety certificate, entitling it to provide services as a licensed rail carrier.

ALUSTA S.A. is a reliable and professional contractor providing services of the highest quality using the best, proven equipment and high-quality materials.

Taking care of the highest quality of works and timely performance of contracts, the company has regularly worked with specialised entities. All the cooperating parties are businesses renowned in the construction sector. Over fifteen years of its existence, ALUSTA S.A. has taken part in modernisations works on of the major railway lines in Poland, including Pan-European transport corridors E20, E30 and E65. It was also involved in the reconstruction of tramway tracks in the metropolitan area of Łódź and Poznań, and in the construction of housing and service complexes and public utility buildings.

Contact details

ul. Czerwonacka 1
61-016 Poznań, Polska
tel.: +48 61 661 82 55

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