November 9, 2020
Provision of public relations services for the company "PKP Intercity" S.A. (No. 20 / WNP-0035494750)
The procedure is conducted on the basis of the Procedure for the Selection of Bidders at "PKP Intercity" S.A. in basic mode in electronic form via the Purchasing Platform and is available at:
https://pkpintercity.eb2b.com.pl/open-preview-auction.html/191194/skieta-uslug- public-relations-dla-pkp-intercity-sa
The use of the Purchasing Platform is free of charge.
Viewing and downloading documentation of the procedure does not require logging in.
Necessary requirements hardware and application enabling work on the Purchasing Platform:
The Ordering Party recommends that each of the Contractors interested in participating in the procedure register on the Purchasing Platform. Contractors registered on the Purchasing Platform will receive ongoing notifications regarding the course of the procedure.